Claude MONET

Painting Bordighera in the Riviera Italy

Paintings, pictures, posters and prints by Claude Monet

"C'est un pays féerique et terriblement difficile, il faudrait une palette de diamants et de pierreries."

Claude Monet

Claude MONET 1884
The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
Click to enlarge or to order a Poster

"It is a magical and terribly difficult land, I would need a palette of diamonds and jewelleries."

Claude Monet

"Nous devenons vraiment très exigeants, et pourtant les gens nous reprochent toujours de ne faire aucun effort."

Claude Monet

villas at Bordighera by monet
"Villas à Bordighera"
Claude MONET 1884
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California
Click to enlarge or to order a Poster

"We become really very particular and yet people still repproach us we don't make any effort."

Claude Monet

"Lorsque je décide, non pas qu'une toile est terminée, mais que je n'y toucherais plus, je l'enferme dans un carton de manière à ne plus la revoir jusqu'à ce que je sois à Giverny."

Claude Monet

Villas at bordighera by claude Monet
"Les villas à Bordighera"
Claude MONET 1884
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Click to enlarge or to order a Poster

"When I decide that a canvas is finished, or rather that I won't touch it anymore, I  shut it away in a box so that I will not see it anymore till I'll be in Giverny."

Claude Monet

peinture des bords de seine par Monet

Claude Monet
The Seine side

claude monet painting picture print poster

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of Monet paintings

peintures de la hollande par Claude Monet

Claude Monet
painting Holland

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Further reading on Giverny Blog with sections on Monet's Water Garden, Monet's House, Monet's Life and Monet's painting.
Paris 2012-2013 Exhibition: "Impressionism and Fashion at Musee d'Orsay

© A. Cauderlier, 38 route de Giverny 27200 Vernon France, Editor.
In cooperation with The Monet Directory and The Giverny News Blog.
Last modified : Saturday, 30-Sep-2006 16:18:22 EDT